Policies and Procedures
Student Handbook
- Introduction
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Philosophy
- Alma Mater
- Mascot and Colors
- The Fight Song
- School Spirit
- A Brief History of MHS
- Blazon
- Important Names and Numbers
- Accreditation
- Parental Involvement Policy
- Parental Support
- Parent Conferences
- Student Progress
- Student Advisory Team
- Student Medication Policy
- Fees
- Homeroom
- Elastic Clause
- School Calendar
- Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Positive Behavior Reinforcement System
- School Wide Expectations
- MHS Positive Behavior Support Reinforcement System
- Mandeville High School Discipline
- Student Dress Code
- Sexual Harassment
- Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
- Attendance
- Attendance Procedures
- Check Out Procedure
- Tardy/Late Arrival to School
- Perfect Attendance
- Tardy/Late Arrival to Class
- Student Drop-Off and Pickup
- Parking Privilege and Responsibilities
- Failure to Comply with Parking Regulations
- School Bus Regulations
- Emergency Drills
- Lost and Found
- Accidents and Sickness
- Lunch Program
- Dances
- Grading Scale
- Student Classification
- Requirements for Graduation
- End-Of-Course Testing
- Exam Exemptions
- Graduation Ceremony
- Honors, Awards, Recognition at Graduation Ceremony
- Class Rank
- Counselors and Related Services
- Testing
- A3 Virtual Academy
- Honor Roll
- Care of School Property
- Textbooks
- Library
- Student Organizations
- Regulations Concerning Clubs and Organizations
- Clubs and Organizations
- Band
- Band Auxiliary Units
- Cheerleaders
- Mu Alpha Theta
- National Honor Society
- Skipper's Log Staff
- Student Government
- Vocal Music
- Open Membership Clubs and Activities
- Interscholastic Athletics
- Philosophy of MHS Homecoming
- Constitution of the Mandeville High Student Council
This handbook is designed to aid students in their stay at Mandeville High School. It contains the history, traditions, philosophy, rules and regulations of Mandeville High School. This handbook updates all previous handbooks. Mandeville High School provides students with a quality education. Mandeville High School also provides a full range of extracurricular activities to help students become well-rounded adults.
We are loyal to our school and have an overwhelming school spirit. Your participation in any of the various activities offered by MHS will help you feel this spirit. If you have suggestions to make MHS even better, be sure to drop a note to the Student Council or talk to a Student Council representative or Student Council officer.
The Student-Parent Handbook, the MHS Curriculum Guide, and the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records will provide you with the answers to many questions you may have. If you do not find the information you need in one of these publications, please feel free to ask any teacher or administrator for assistance.
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Mandeville High School believes a secondary education should provide the opportunity and encouragement for its students to develop academically, physically, socially and emotionally. The faculty, students, their parents and member of the community should be encouraged to contribute to a positive learning environment. This learning environment should recognize the unique characteristics and needs of various groups of students and should strive to provide educational and extra-curricular programs appropriate to those needs. Mandeville High School should encourage exploration, problem solving and other creative activities for all students. Mandeville High School graduates can, therefore, become capable, concerned, involved and productive members of society.
Alma Mater
Mascot and Colors
The Skipper is a symbol of courage and determination - the
human guiding force that, against all odds, guides the destiny of man.
He stands for honor and distinction, a person who is strong,
courageous, practical, self-disciplined, and dependable.
The official colors of MHS are Royal Blue and White. Blue
symbolizes loyalty and White symbolizes honor.
The Fight Song
School Spirit
What is school spirit? It is enthusiastic loyalty to one’s school. Loyalty indicates a feeling of sentiment rather than a sense of allegiance. It is belonging to a group rather than maintaining a selfish attitude. To display school spirit is to show others, and accept cheerfully, the responsibilities that are yours as a member of the student body. School spirit is a feeling of belonging to the school and of sharing that feeling. One way in which you can show your school spirit is by taking an active part in promoting the entire school program. By helping to keep your school running smoothly and by displaying a sense of pride in its individual teams, win or lose, you are displaying school spirit. When you accept the privileges of being a member of the school, you should accept the responsibility of doing your share to make it great and keep it strong. WHERE THERE’S A WILL, THERE’S A WAY! Do you have spirit?
A Brief History of MHS
The “old” Mandeville school opened in 1918, and it contained grades 1-10, with 134 students. In 1920, the senior high was added and there were 13 seniors in the first graduating class. The “Old Gym” on
As our mission statement indicates, we are committed to providing "challenges today for challenges tomorrow." With this mission in mind, we continue to expand our career pathways. Our course offerings continue to meet the needs of all of our students. Additionally, students have an opportunity to develop their talents through performing arts, service activities, and leadership activities.
Students at Mandeville High continue to earn high scores on End of Course (LEAP2025) tests, the ACT and the SAT. Our faculty continues to work toward providing a curriculum that is both rigorous and relevant. Through the combined efforts of students, faculty, administration, support personnel, parents, and community, Mandeville High School continues a tradition of excellence, spirit, and service.
In order that all may know the lineage, tradition and purpose of Mandeville High School, a coat of arms had been devised that would do justice to the finest of heraldic traditions and designs.
A coat of arms is composed of many important elements emblazoned on and around the basic form of a shied or escutcheon.
The Mandeville High School shield is divided by a cross into four basic components—the cross representing our community. The arms or heraldic bearings of Mandeville High School are royal blue and white. The sinister chief quarter, the upper right corner of the shield, holds two symbols of education representing learning and literary achievement, and a quill, a symbol of thought, knowledge and human chronicles.
The dexter chief quarter, the upper left corner, holds an atomic design, symbol of the age in which we live and brings to mind the importance of experimentation and creative activity in the continual development and progress of the human race.
At the fess point, or heart of the escutcheon, there is superimposed an inner shield bearing a skipper - a man with honor and dedication. The sinister base, the lower right corner of the shield, holds the symbol of the State of Louisiana, the Pelican. This symbol indicates not only our location, but our allegiance and affirmation to being a part of the state’s educational system. In the dexter base quarter or lower left corner, we find three stars representing the cadence of lineage of Mandeville High School. The school was the third founded in St. Tammany and is, therefore, considered the third son of the parish school community. The chief element above the shield is an English “M” whose style denotes majesty, culture, tradition, stability, steadfastness and hope.
The mantling around the shield holds twelve pine cones symbolizing the twelve years of education needed for graduation. They also represent the minds of our students, which have been nourished, and as ripe, are now prepared to be planted in the community to grow and develop each to his own stature.
Below the shield, holding all the elements together and completing the coat of arms, is a banner inscribed with “1921” (the founding date of the school) and the school motto. It is the inspiration of all who in some way have enjoyed and benefited by being associated with the school. It is the light that has shown in the minds of those who have toiled to make the school what it is today, and the goal for many who will decide its future. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Important Names and Numbers
Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Christian Monson
Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Kelley Brondum (ext. 2173)
Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Matt Brown (ext. 2174)
Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Paige Butler (ext. 2157)
Assistant Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Joni Landry (ext: 2176)
Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Adrienne Casey
Guidance Counselors
9th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Mr. Hallila
10th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Dolese
11th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Windom
12th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Esker
Testing Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Weileman
Guidance Office, Registrar – Mrs. Kay Brocato . . . . . . . 629-3136
MANDEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626-5225
Student Services, Mrs. Allison Desroches. . . . . . . . . . . . 626-6069
Athletic Director, Coach Hughes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626-5225
Cafeteria Manager, Mrs. Monica Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626-7401
Band Director, Mr. Rossi Dibenedetto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674-0550
Field House, Coach Craig Jones…… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629-3145
Library, Mrs. Jessica Netterville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624-5044
ROTC, Senior Marine Instructor – Col. Christmas . . . . 674-2880
Special Education Coordinator, Mrs. Amy Frey . . . . . . . 626-8703
Web Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.mandevillehigh.stpsb.org/
ACT code: 191-660
Mandeville High School is approved by the Louisiana State Department of Education and is accredited by AdvancED (formerly SACS CASI). The U.S. Department of Education honored Mandeville High School as a 2001-02 Blue Ribbon School of Excellence. Schools that are so designated are evaluated on a number of characteristics, including: high student retention and graduation rates; challenging standards and curriculum; excellent teaching and an environment that strengthens teacher’s skills and improvement; school, family and community partnerships; and, student performance on measures of achievement.
Parental Involvement Policy
Parental involvement is integral to the success of MHS and to the success of individual students. We are so thankful for the support of our parents and community members. We truly feel that we are all partners in the educational process.
MHS encourages parents to be actively involved in their student’s education. Even though high school students are moving toward independence it is vitally important that parents remain aware of and involved in their student’s learning. Please do not hesitate to contact teachers, guidance counselors, and/or the administration if you need assistance. MHS is committed to providing each parent the information they need to be a full partner in their student’s education. The following list provides a few helpful reminders of the
opportunities existing for parents to assist the school and more importantly to assist each student.
- Sending the student to school on time each day, encouraging regular attendance and cooperating with all school regulations.
- Instilling politeness as well as respect for principals, teachers, and school employees.
- Making sure that all financial responsibilities to the school are resolved.
- Cooperating with the administration and faculty in solving disciplinary problems.
- Conferring with teachers on the academic progress of the student.
- Making doctor, dentist, and other appointments for the student outside school hours whenever possible.
- Participating in the activities of the school including PTSA and Booster Clubs.
- Setting aside time for home study.
- Helping in the development of the student’s special talents in music, art, and sports.
- Helping the child in the careful selection of companions.
- Sending the student to school each day in compliance with the STPSB dress code.
- Encouraging good reading and the frequent use of library facilities.
- Attending activities in which your student is participating
Parental Support
The school is dependent on parental support in all areas of operation. It is the parent who is the chief educator and the school is here to assist the parent in that responsibility. Parent involvement is therefore not only desirable, it is essential. The PTSA is the primary organization providing opportunities for parents to become more involved in the education of their children. Please contact the school for information about other opportunities. Booster clubs and support organizations are subject to the Superintendent’s Booster Club and Support Organization Guidelines.
MANDEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL has a Parent-Teacher-Student Association that is affiliated with the State and National organizations. The objectives of the Mandeville High PTSA are:
The objectives of the Mandeville High PTSA are:
- To promote the welfare of children and youth in the home, school, church, and community.
- To raise the standards of home life.
- To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
- To bring into closer relation the home and school, so that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the training of the child.
- To encourage communication between educators and the general public’s united efforts to secure for every child the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.
Parent Conferences
- Parent request: Parents may request conferences with teachers, counselors, or the principal by telephoning the school at 626-5225 or by emailing the specific party. The school secretary will forward phone messages to the specific individual. In most cases phone calls will be returned within 24 hours. Parents are encouraged to call for a conference with the teachers or administrators if they have questions that cannot be answered through email or a phone conversation.
- Discipline: A parent-student-teacher conference may be required as part of disciplinary action. The parent will be contacted to schedule the conference. A student may be excluded from class until the conference is completed. Conferences are scheduled before school or after school. If your student indicates they are having discipline problems in a particular class please contact the individual teacher. It is important for the parent to hear the teacher’s perspective and working together the issue may be resolved before escalating to an office referral.
Student Progress
- Report cards: Issued at the end of each nine-week grading period. The report is given to the student. The fourth nine- week report card is mailed to parents. Please be sure to maintain an updated mailing address. Refer to school calendar for dates.
- Progress reports: Parents wishing to more closely monitor their child’s progress are encouraged to use the internet site provided by the STPSB - https://jpams.stpsb.org/jpweb. Logon information and passwords will be mailed home two weeks after school starts. If you have not received or have lost the logon passwords please call the office. Other options for monitoring student progress are listed below.
a. E-mail or telephone specific teachers,
b. Contact the student’s guidance counselor, or
c. E-mail the principal.
- Exams: Administered the last week of the 2nd and 4th grading periods. Refer to school calendar for dates.
Student Advisory Team
The Student Advisory Team (SAT) is a committee of school level staff members that includes an administrator, counselor, speech therapist, special education coordinator, 504 coordinator, Pupil Appraisal representative, faculty representative, and other staff members where applicable. This committee is a problem solving, decision making group that meets on a scheduled basis to receive referrals from teachers, parents, or other professionals on individual students who are experiencing difficulty in school due to academic and/or behavior problems. The committee also receives referrals on students who may qualify for the gifted/talented program. Once a referral is received, the committee will review the student's performance and make a screening or placement recommendation that will be in the best interest of the student. All decisions shall be in accordance with state and local policies. Parents will be notified and invited to participate when the SAT meets. Concerned parents who would like to make a referral to the SAT are urged to contact the child's teacher or grade level counselor. The school official will then complete the appropriate referral paperwork that officially begins the SAT process.
Student Medication Policy
In accordance with Act 87 (LA RS 17:436.1)) relative to the administration of medication, the St. Tammany Parish School Board has formulated the following guidelines to be used when a child has to receive medication during school hours.
These regulations include:
- No medication shall be administered to any student without an order from a Louisiana licensed physician or dentist and a letter of request and authorization from the student’s parent or guardian. Under no circumstances will over the counter medications (such as Tylenol or aspirin) be given to student without proper documentation.
- No medication shall be administered to any student unless it is provided to the school in a container that meets acceptable pharmacy standards.
- A registered nurse employed by the St. Tammany Parish School Board will review the physician’s order and the parent’s request. The registered nurse will then assess the specific child in the education setting to determine if administration of the medication by a trained, non-licensed, health professional is acceptable.
- In order to ensure proper identification of students receiving medication, parents should submit a recent photo of the student to attach to the medication folder.
- The first dose of the medication must be given at home so that the parent or guardian may be able to observe for unusual side effects. If your child requires medication for an acute illness, we encourage you to work with your physician to schedule doses that can be given at home. Medication for long term illness may require administration during school hours. If your child requires only short term medication, we recommend (if possible) that medication be scheduled around school hours
The following fees are currently collected by the school:
- $10 Parking Fee – Used to maintain the parking lots
- COST OF MATERIALS: Some elective classes may require a lab fee or may require students to purchase their own materials for individual projects. The specific classes with fees are noted in the Course Description Guide.
The homeroom is the basic organizational unit of Mandeville High School. Each student is assigned to a homeroom and a homeroom advisor. The advisor in this homeroom will remain with the homeroom for the student’s four years of high school. It is the homeroom advisor that the student should go to first for advice on educational problems. Attendance in homeroom is required in the same manner as attendance in academic classes.
The Career Options Law requires students to complete a five year plan of their course study. This includes four years of high school and one year of post secondary work. In order to facilitate compliance with this law, the students will meet on a regular basis with their homeroom, called Skipper Crews. Students will choose a career path and with the help of the homeroom teacher, called Teacher as Educational Advisor and Mentor (TEAM), each student will be able to choose a pathway and develop a plan to successfully complete the requirements prior to graduation.
Each homeroom will also elect one Student Council representative, two class Senators, and Homecoming maid nominees. The Student Council representative has the responsibility of representing the homeroom in Student Council. The Senators will represent their homeroom in class Senate meetings. For more information regarding Student Council, class Senate, and Homecoming, see section related to Clubs and Activities.
Elastic Clause
School Calendar
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- Student Services helps with these items and much more.
- Check in and check out students; attendance records
Temporary IDs; lockers; picture packets
Help with minor injuries and sickness
Lost and found
Record changes in address, telephone numbers (Up-to-date addresses and phone numbers required. Please inform Student Services of changes.)
Guest pass - Required for attendance of non-Mandeville High students to MHS dances (if allowed); available in Student Services two weeks prior to the scheduled dance; completed form due back by Wednesday preceding the dance
Collect assignments for students with lengthy illness
Student Services will not be responsible for and will not call students out of class for personal deliveries (lunch, gifts, etc.).
- Students needing help with their studies:
- Counselors are available to discuss credits, college requirements, course selections, scheduling problems, correspondence courses (where applicable), ACT/SAT/PSAT questions and applications, financial aid applications, and LEAP 2025 testing information
- Homeroom teachers and counselors are available to answer questions regarding program of studies
- Refer to each teacher's classroom management plan for dates and times of their help sessions; students are advised and encouraged to attend these help sessions
- Free tutoring is available on Mondays and Wednesdays after school
- Librarian is available before school, 7:00 A.M. to 7:25 A.M., and after school until 3:00 P.M.
- Websites for homework help: http://homeworkla.org/ and St. Tammany Library.
- Important procedures to know:
- Announcements - Must be signed by the advisor for the club or team; turned in to Ms. Delaune in the main office by 9:00 a.m. for announcement the following day
- Illness - Students that become ill during the school day MUST report to class. The teacher will contact Student Services. The student will be informed when Student Services has contacted the parents of the student. The student will be subject to disciplinary action for leaving campus without permission or for remaining in the restroom for the class period.
- Detentions - Student is given a form indicating the date, time and location of detention. Failure to attend will result in additional disciplinary action.
- Counselors - Appointment required. Fill out request form before school or during lunch. Student will be called by school counselors. For emergencies, see a teacher.
- Parking stickers ($10) – The following items are required for purchase of a parking sticker: completed MHS registration card, fee clearance slip, driver's license, and proof of insurance. Refer to page 9 of this publication for a complete listing of parking rules and regulations.
- PE class lockers - Students should not leave money and other valuable items in the locker room during class time. Clothing and book bags may be stored in lockers in the locker rooms. Students must provide their own lock. At the end of the class period the student should remove the lock and the personal items.
- PE uniforms - May be purchased in the PE department.
- Harassing or bullying - Bullying occurs when one or more individuals inflict physical, verbal, emotional, psychological, and/or sexual abuse on another or others. Incidents should be reported to Mr. Brown, Mr. Penton or Mrs. Landry. Information provided by witnesses will be held in strictest confidence.
- Visitors - All visitors must report to the main office. The individual with whom the visit is intended will be called to the office. When appropriate, a Visitor's Pass will be issued. See the front office staff . Students not attending MHS are not allowed to visit with MHS students.
- Parking lot - Students are not allowed to remain in parked cars before school or to return to vehicle during the school day. A student may return to vehicle only if he/she has permission to leave the campus. All vehicles parked on campus must have properly attached, current MHS parking sticker.
- ID cards - Students are required to wear the current year MHS identification card at all times during the school day. The ID card must be worn above the waist. Students are required to present the ID to check-in and check-out, to buy breakfast & lunch, to check-out a library book, for admission to dances, to receive discount price at athletic and other school events and to vote in school elections. Before 7:25 A.M., students may purchase a temporary ID or order a replacement ID. After the first bell, student must purchase a temporary ID from his/her teacher. Students failing to purchase a temporary ID will be assigned detention.
- Dress Code - Students must be in compliance with St. Tammany Parish School Board dress code at all times. Failure to do so will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
Positive Behavior Reinforcement System
Positive behavior will be reinforced through school-wide use of favorable characteristic traits displayed by students. Each month a “Pillar of Character” will be selected and displayed in each classroom and in the PBIS display case. Students will be encouraged to work on the selected characteristic for that month. Teachers will select one male and one female student that they feel has appropriately demonstrated this characteristic. The selected students’ names will be awarded a gift certificate and a certificate of recognition. Additional students will have the opportunity to be recognized for their efforts with our “Skipper Salute” mail-outs. These postcards notify parents/guardians of characteristics their child displayed such as the following:
- Excellent Behavior
- Positive Attitude
- Courtesy Towards Others
- Good Choices
- Academic Improvement/Continuation
School Wide Expectations
MHS Positive Behavior Support Reinforcement System
Positive Behavior is reinforced through school-wide use of the following:
Honor Roll Breakfast
Students that have a 3.5 or higher grade point average for the semester are invited to a breakfast.
Honor Roll Cards
Students that have a 3.5 or higher grade point average for the semester are issued good student cards. Benefits and privileges associated with the cards are listed on the back of the card.
Breakfast of Champions
Sponsored by the PTSA, this program seeks to commend special students. Nominations are based on selected themes including “caught you doing something special for someone,” “caught you making a good decision,” etc.
Skipper S.A.I.L. Cards
These cards are given to students by individual teachers for various reasons. Students should collect these cards and redeem them with their teachers for special rewards and/or activities
Mandeville High School Discipline
The following Mandeville High discipline plan has been established to promote desirable student conduct and behavior. The administration reserves the right to consider the academic placement, attitude, age, pattern of misconduct, degree of cooperation and any other aggravating or mitigating circumstances before taking disciplinary action. Acts of misconduct listed here are those classified as inappropriate student behaviors in the classroom or on the school grounds and those behaviors that disrupt the orderly educational process in the school or on the school grounds. These are listed under groups 1, 2 and 3 of the parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records. Refer to the parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for behaviors that seriously disrupt the educational process in the classroom, in the school, or on the school grounds. These infractions and disciplinary actions for behaviors are listed under Groups 4 and 5.
Consequences for Group 1, 2, or 3 Misbehavior
Classroom Misbehavior – ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to Friday Support depending upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Willful Disobedience – ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to suspension depending upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Possession/Use of Tobacco, Tobacco Products, Look Alike Tobacco Products and/or E-cigarettes (Vaping Devices), Lighters
First offense – 1-day suspension
Second offense – 3-day suspension
First offense – 3-day suspension
Second offense – 5-day suspension
Vaping devices will be tested for THC (marijuana). Students possessing or using vapes with THC will be recommended for expulsion.
Possession of Prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs - Students who violate the medication policy and are found to be in possession of prescription drugs or a controlled substance not authorized under this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action found under the Uniform Discipline Code. Students found to be in possession of non-prescription or over the counter medications may be subject to disciplinary action.
Off Limit Areas – Ranges from Friday Support to suspension. Due to the large size of the MHS campus it is necessary to limit students to those areas which are regularly supervised. Before school and during lunch students are limited to the cafeteria, commons, outside courtyard area by the picnic tables, gym lobby restrooms, and concessions area. Before school and during lunch students are not to be in the halls or classrooms unless under the direct supervision of a faculty member. During school students are limited to the halls, covered walkways, and classrooms. Students should use the restrooms between classes and during lunch. Students are discouraged from using the restroom during class and this should not become a habit. Being out of class decreases the amount of time students have to learn.
Following afternoon dismissal students are to exit the campus by 3:00 pm. Students that do not drive or ride the bus must be picked up from school by 3:00. Students may remain on campus in the afternoon only for activities that are under the direct supervision of a faculty member. At the conclusion of the activity, students should leave the campus immediately. Students not under direct supervision that remain on campus, after school or after an activity, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Off limit areas include the area from the tennis courts to the science building and all areas behind and in between. All parking lots and roads are off limit to students during the day unless under the direct supervision of a teacher or with administrative permission. Students riding the bus to school are not allowed to meet students in the parking lot. All remote areas and unsupervised areas of the campus not specifically mentioned are also considered off limit. Students are not allowed to loiter in the restrooms. Multiple students in a stall in a restroom is never allowed and students may be suspended for this offense.
Leaving Class, Campus or Other Location w/o Permission - ranges from one Friday Support to suspension. Once a student arrives on campus, regardless of the time, he/she may not leave campus unless they have officially checked out of school. This includes bus riders.
Dress Code Violation
First offense - written reprimand and required compliance. Students may be held out of school until they comply.
Second offense - afternoon detention (2:45 – 3:10) and required compliance
Third offense – afternoon detention (2:45 – 3:35) and required compliance
Fourth offense – Friday Detention and required compliance
Fifth offense – continue to advance on discipline ladder and required compliance
Disrespect to Teacher/Staff
Ranges from teacher held detention and parental contact to suspension depending upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior.
Lying to school personnel or other adults on campus; forgery; cheating or failure to report
Consequences for this type of misbehavior range from reprimand to suspension depending upon the exact nature and seriousness of the offense, the pattern of misconduct, and any other mitigating factors.
First Offense - Friday Detention
Second Offense - Suspension
First Offense - exam or major test/project, quiz or homework= zero on assignment
Second Offense - exam or major test/project = zero & suspension; quiz or homework = zero & Friday Support
Plagiarism is cheating. Violation of test protocol, including the use of cell phones or other electronic devices, by a student who is taking a test is a serious violation and will result in the same academic & disciplinary consequences as cheating. This type of violation can disrupt the testing environment and may place the integrity of the test in jeopardy. Testing protocol remains in place as long as any student in the classroom is still testing.
Stealing and/or Possession of Stolen Property - 2 day suspension
Note: Students may not open or go through the belongings of others without specific permission from the owner. This type of action will be considered attempted theft. Consequences range from Friday Support to suspension.
Possession/Use of cell phone, Laser Light/Pointer, Ear Buds, AirPods, camera, head phones, etc. – Cell phones, I-pods, and similar electronic devices can be a serious disruption to the learning environment. Louisiana Law Revised Statute 17:239 prohibits any student, unless authorized by the Principal or their designee, from using any electronic telecommunication device in any school building or school grounds or in any school bus. Although STPPS policy allows students to be in possession of a cell phone the phone must be kept out of sight and turned off during the normal school day. The normal school day begins when a student arrives on campus and ends following the last period dismissal bell.
Note: Electronic devices will only be returned to the parent or guardian after school hours (2:36 – 3:00) on the day confiscated. After the initial day of confiscation, the electronic device will be returned to the parent during school hours. For all offenses after the first offense the confiscated item will only be returned to the parent/guardian.
Progressive consequences will be followed as listed below:
Use or Related Disruption – A cell phone or other electronic device that is visible is considered in use. A cell phone that rings during class is considered a disruption. Students are expected to give a cell phone to a teacher/administrator when requested. If the student does not comply with the request the discipline consequences will increase.
Due to ACT 313, the law states that ALL electronic devices must be turned of and stowed away. Students may have their electronics but they must follow the before mentioned stipulations.
First offense with compliance - item taken and an 3 hour Friday school detention.
First offense without compliance - one day Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
Second offense with compliance - item taken and In-School Suspension (ISS)
Second offense without compliance - two day out of school suspension (OSS)
Third offense with compliance – item taken and two days ISS
Third offense without compliance – three days out of school suspension
Fourth offense with compliance – item taken and one day out of school suspension
Fourth offense without compliance – four days out of school suspension
For any violation that is deemed to be egregious and disruptive to the school the discipline consequences shall be increased to an appropriate level.
Parents who need to contact their child at school are asked to call 225- 626- 5225 and notify student services. Parents should not call or send messages to their child’s cell phone during school hours. Students using their phones will be held accountable even if they are communicating with their parents.
MHS will investigate accusations of theft to the extent possible. Students should be very careful to protect all of their belongings including cell phones. Bookbags should not be left unattended. Reports of missing electronic devices will be forwarded to the School Resource Officer.
Defacing or Destroying Property/Vandalism/Pranks – depending on the severity of the offense the students will be required to make restitution and/or pay a fine or clean-up fee. Students may also be issued Friday Support, suspension, or be recommended for expulsion. Additionally students may be arrested by the Mandeville Police Department for criminal mischief and/or criminal trespassing.
Unauthorized Use of Computer or Web Site / Violation of Technology Agreement – ranges from Friday Support to suspension and loss of technology usage privileges for the remainder of the year
Public Displays of Affection – kissing and/or prolonged embraces are inappropriate in the school setting. Consequences begin with a warning and parent notification and then progress up the discipline ladder.
Using or Publishing Profane, Obscene, Indecent or Immoral, Libelous or Offensive Language, Including Racial Slurs, and/or Gestures – ranges from Friday Support to suspension depending upon how severe or chronic the misbehavior
Bullying – Bullying involves conduct that is hurtful to others. It happens when a person is subjected to repetitive, intentional, unwanted, and unprovoked hurtful actions and there is an imbalance of power. It can by physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual in nature. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated. Bullying is not acceptable behavior at MHS. When reports are found to be accurate consequences will be issued depending on the severity of the bullying. Consequences could be at any level on the discipline ladder ranging from a reprimand to a recommendation for expulsion. Victims of bullying should clearly tell the bully to stop. If bullying persists then the victim should report the problem immediately to a teacher or an administrator. The victim should also tell their parents. It is helpful for the victim to make a written record of the incident(s) including date(s), time(s), place(s), witnesses(es), and the name of the bully or bullies. Bullying is covered in greater detail in the St. Tammany Parish District Handbook for Students and Parents. Please refer to the district handbook for additional information.
Fighting – Any student participating in a fight will be suspended out of school for a minimum of three days (possible suspension of five days depending on the circumstances and/or failure to cooperate). Proper steps to help avoid fights include notifying the administration of potential problems and avoidance of verbal altercations. If a student feels that another student is about to start a fight the threatened student should clearly communicate to the aggressor that they do not want to fight. Walking away from the situation is an important step in avoiding a possible fight. Verbal altercations of a threatening or profane nature or instigation of a fight may also result in suspension. These situations are serious disruptions to the educational environment. Repeated violations of this nature will be cause for suspension. Note: a 2nd offense for fighting or any other type of violent act will result in a recommendation for expulsion.
*School athletes will need to refer to their respective coaches to review accountability for fighting. Many of our school athletics have a zero-tolerance policy for fighting.
Failure to Wear ID – Current school year ID’s are required and must be worn in a visible area above the waist. If a student forgets or loses their ID they are required to purchase a daily temporary ID from a teacher or Student Services. Detention is assigned for failure to wear ID or failure to purchase a current temporary ID. Students that have not purchased a temporary ID by the start of 2nd period will be assigned a detention by the administration. Students may not write on, draw on, or deface the ID card in any fashion. Misuse of the ID including loaning or borrowing an ID is subject to disciplinary action.
Suspension – usually one to three days out of school; unexcused absences; parent-student-administrator conference required prior to student’s return to classes; student is not allowed on school campus or to participate in extracurricular activities during suspension.
In-school Suspension (ISS) – usually one to three days; Students will only be assigned one ISS for tardies/skipping and one ISS for any other misbehavior. Student will be excluded from regular classes and will report to the suspension room. Student must bring all textbooks and assignments. Misbehavior in ISS results in out of school suspension. Parent-student-administrator conference required prior to student’s return to class.
Afternoon Detention – (2:45–3:10 or 2:45–3:30 depending on seriousness/frequency) Issued for misbehavior that is not serious or chronic enough to merit Friday Support.
Work Detail - the student is assigned school clean up tasks (washing windows, cleaning desks, picking up trash, shelving books, etc.).
Community Service – may be issued in lieu of a first suspension for students who have a satisfactory past record of attendance, grades, and discipline. The following definitions apply only in regards to community service.
Satisfactory Attendance – 3 or less unexcused absences and/or tardies for the current semester (or previous semester if the semester has just begun). Satisfactory Grades – grades of “C” or higher for all courses in the current grading period and the previous grading period (9 wk grades).
Satisfactory Discipline – discipline record for the current semester and previous semester should not include any Friday Supports or ISS.
Important Note for Community Service: Group 4 and Group 5 misconduct including alcohol offenses and violent offenses are not eligible for the community service option.
Student Dress Code
These policies stress the importance of reducing distractions that inhibit learning. Violations are addressed as an attempt to enhance the learning environment. Final interpretation of the dress code rests solely with the administration. The Principal maintains the right to determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming. Extremes in style and fit in student dress and extremes in style of grooming will not be permitted. Refer to the Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for additional information regarding dress code.
- Students are not allowed to wear tank tops, muscle shirts, sleeveless t-shirts and plain white undershirts as outer garments.
- All hats, caps, bandannas, stocking caps, etc. are not to be worn during regular school hours. Students may wear a scarf, but a scarf or any other type of apparel cannot cover all of the hair/head. The hood of hoodies may not be worn inside of the school building.
- Facial Hair - Male students in grades 9-12 may wear a neatly trimmed mustache, beard, or goatee. Handlebar style mustaches are prohibited. Sideburns may be worn to the base of the earlobe, but pork chop style is prohibited.
- Shirts/Blouses- Sheer, crochet, see through, lace-like clothing, or low cut shirts and blouses are not allowed. Blouses and shirts must be long enough so that no skin may be seen between the pants/skirt/shorts and shirt. This rule includes any position including sitting. Students must wear tops that cover most of the top of the shoulders. Most tops with “straps” are not allowed as an outer garment and no top should allow under garments to be seen. Off the-shoulder blouses/shirts are not allowed.
- Shorts/Skirts/Skorts/Dresses- While standing erect with arms extended down, the length of shorts/skirts/dresses must meet the following requirement:
- Come to the tip of fingers or below.
“Bike shorts" and yoga pants are allowed however the student must wear a shirt that is fingertip length. Shorts worn over “leggings” are subject to the same length requirements mentioned above. Shorts/Skirts/Skorts must be secured at the waist at all times and may not reveal undergarments.
6. Pants - “Yoga pants” may be worn, however the student must wear a shirt that is fingertip length. Pants must be secured at the waist at all times and may not reveal undergarments. Clothing that contains excessive/multiple breaks, holes or rips will be considered extreme in style and will not be permitted. This includes clothing purchased with excessive/multiple breaks, holes or rips. Also clothing with a hole (or holes) in inappropriate places will be considered an extreme in style. Pants without holes are permitted.8.
7. Piercings - The wearing of body piercing ornaments is limited to the ear and nose. Larger “gauge” earrings are extreme in style and are not allowed. Students in grades 9-12 are allowed to have a nose piercing.
8. Pajamas and robes are not appropriate attire for school. Pants that have the appearance of pajama bottoms will be considered pajamas and are not appropriate. Slippers are not allowed. It is inappropriate to bring pillows and blankets to school.
9. Hair - Sculptured hair styles that include pictures, symbols, letters, numbers, or hair in curlers, rollers, or excessively teased, etc., will not be permitted.
10. Any article of clothing with suggestive symbols, words or advertisements of products or substances prohibited by St. Tammany Board policy shall be prohibited. Sexual innuendos are strictly forbidden.
11. Student IDs - All students must wear their current school year ID to school each day. It must be visible and on their neck attached to their blue lanyard provided by the office. Daily temporary IDs can be purchased for $1.00 before school begins at ID tables stationed throughout campus to avoid an ID violation. If a student does not have their current ID visible and on their neck when school begins at 7:25am, that student will be in violation that will warrant a school consequence. Student IDs are strictly enforced for school safety purposes.
Each freshman will be issued a purple lanyard for their ID provided by Mandeville High School. The lanyard shall be worn with the current school year ID everyday. Failure to wear the purple lanyard, will result in a violation.
*School principals maintain the right to determine extremes in styles of dress and grooming and appropriateness and suitability for school wear. For additional questions regarding the dress code policy, please contact Mandeville High School at (985) 626-5225.
Sexual Harassment
The St. Tammany Parish School Board is committed to providing a safe and stable climate free from sexual harassment by students, Board Members, the Superintendent, administrators, teachers, and other employees who have contact with or provide services for the Board or any other personnel associated with the Board and over whom the Board can exercise influence.
The School System and the Board will not tolerate retaliation by anyone associated with the School System against one who files a complaint of sexual harassment.
Some acts of sexual misconduct are considered criminal and are subject to prosecution. Mandeville High School, the St. Tammany Parish School Board and the School System will fully cooperate with law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney in investigating and prosecuting such criminal offenses.
Any person who alleges sexual harassment by a staff member or student in the school district may use the procedure detailed in the St. Tammany Parish School Board Complaint Procedure (see St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records) or may complain to his or her immediate supervisor, building principal, guidance counselor, or teacher. Filing a grievance or otherwise reporting sexual harassment, will not reflect upon the 8 individual’s status, nor will it affect future employment, grades, or work assignments.
Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations
The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations:
- Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems;
- Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of housing;
- Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter;
- Living in a vehicle of any kind; trailer park or campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station;
- Awaiting foster care placement; or
- Abandoned in a hospital.
Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:
- Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there;
- Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records, or birth certificates and other documents;
- Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth;
- Get transportation to school;
- Access educationally related support services;
- Make sure that disagreements between students and schools are resolved quickly.
Students shall be expected to be in attendance every school day scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board. In order to be eligible to receive academic credit, high school students shall be in attendance a minimum of 85 days per semester.
- Students shall be excused from school for personal illness; serious illness in the family; death in the family (not to exceed one week) or for recognized religious holidays of the student’s own faith; and shall be given the opportunity for makeup work.
- Students shall not be excused for any absence other than those listed and shall be given failing grades in those subjects for those days missed, with no makeup work allowed.
- Students shall not be excused from school to work on any job, including agriculture and domestic service, even in their own homes or for their parents or tutors.
- Students missing school as a result of any suspension shall be counted as absent and shall be allowed to makeup work. (For In-School suspension, students complete assignments during suspension.)
- Students participating in school sponsored activities which necessitate their being away from school shall be considered to be present and shall be given the opportunity for makeup work.
- The only exception to the attendance regulations shall be the delineated extenuating circumstances that are verified by the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance. The following are those circumstances: extended personal physical or emotional illnesses verified by a physician or dentist; extended hospital stay as verified by a physician or dentist; extended contagious disease within a family as verified by a physician or dentist; prior school system approved travel for education (this travel must be for the purpose of education; it does not include vacation with some educational benefit); death in the family (not to exceed one week); natural catastrophe and/or disaster. For any other extenuating circumstances, parents must make a formal appeal in accordance with the due process procedure established by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.
- Students who have extenuating circumstances and who are, therefore, eligible to receive grades shall not receive those grades if they are unable to complete makeup work.
Attendance Procedures
Excuses for absences must be written on a full sheet of paper and given to Student Services within two days of the absences. It is OK to email Mrs. DesRoches in Student Services – Allison.Desroches@stpsb.org. The note shall include: a) student’s full name; b) the day(s) the student was absent; c) the reason for the absence; d) parent or guardian’s name (and signature); e) date the excuse was written. Failure to send the note will result in the student not being able to make up work. Zeroes will be given. Excuses will not be accepted after two days of the student’s return to school.
- Upon returning to school, it is the student’s responsibility to work out a schedule with the teachers for making up work missed during the authorized absence.
- Upon the recommendation of the school principal, any student above the compulsory attendance age who has excessive absences that are unexcused may be dropped from the rolls for the remainder of the school term.
- Any student who is a juvenile and who is habitually absent from school shall be reported by visiting teachers and Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance to the family or juvenile court of the parish or city as a truant child, pursuant to the provisions of Louisiana Children’s Code relative to families in need of services. A student shall be considered habitually absent when the condition continues to exist after all reasonable efforts by the principal and teacher have failed to correct the condition after the fifth unexcused absence within any month or if a pattern of five absences a month is established. (Ref: LA, R.S. 17:233).
- Students who have more than 5 absences per semester and therefore do not meet minimum attendance requirements will be assigned “seat time.” Students not serving seat time assignments will receive failing marks for excessive absences.
* All students must wear their current school year ID, visible and above the waist, to school each day. Temporary IDs can be purchased for $1.00 in Student Services to avoid an ID Detention. Student IDs are strictly enforced for school safety purposes.
Check Out Procedure
Mandeville High School has a closed campus policy. Once students have arrived on school property, they cannot leave unless they check out through Student Services. Students are considered “on school property” once they arrive at a bus stop until they arrive home (if they ride the bus). If the student is driving, school property begins at entrance to school parking lots.
It is OK to email Mrs. DesRoches in Student Services – Allison.Desroches@stpsb.org
Students that have a need to check out must follow the procedure listed below:
- A parent must call or write a note requesting that the student be allowed to check out. The note must contain the following:
- time of appointment (MHS may call to verify appointment);
- name of person appointment is with;
- a phone number where parent can be reached to confirm the note;
- the phone number of the person with whom the appointment is made;
- student’s means of transportation; or
- A parent must come to the Student Services office to check out the student. No makeup work will be given if reason for check out is not illness, doctor’s appointment, or death in the family. If a student becomes ill while at school, the checkout procedure is as follows:
- The student must notify the teacher that the student is not feeling well.
- The teacher will call Student Services and request that a parent be contacted for permission to leave. The student 9 does not call the parent. Student Services must initiate the call.
- When the parent has been contacted, Student Services will call the classroom and instruct the student as to the parent’s directions.
- The student does as directed by Student Services.
On exam days, short days or the day before a holiday a parent must come to school to pick up the student. Students may leave only at the end of the class period. The office will not interrupt a class to check out a student. Students that leave campus or class without permission during exams, lunch, or at any other time will be disciplined accordingly.
Tardy/Late Arrival to School
Students reporting to school after 7:25 are to check in through Student Services. Students are issued an admit slip. The note will indicate if the tardy is excused or unexcused. Notes for tardy students must be submitted at the time of the tardy. Students will be allowed three warning tardies per nine weeks. Consequences are issued for ALL tardies after the third tardy, whether excused or unexcused.
- On the fourth tardy students will be given an afternoon detention from 2:45 to 3:10.
- On the fifth tardy students will receive an afternoon detention from 2:45 to 3:35.
- On the sixth tardy students will receive a Saturday Support.
- On the seventh tardy students will be assigned to ISS for one day.
- On the eighth tardy students will be issued a one day suspension and will be referred to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance.
- Additional disciplinary action will be issued if the tardiness persists.
Students circumventing the tardy policy by checking in after 1st hour will be disciplined for skipping school.
Perfect Attendance
Tardy/Late Arrival to Class
Students are given five minutes passing time between classes. If the student is not present in class, as directed by the teacher, when the tardy bell rings the student will be marked tardy. If the student has been detained by a teacher, he or she will need a note from that teacher to give to the next teacher. As students violate the tardy policy, their consequence will move across the disciplinary flowchart. Continued violations will also be referred to the office and increasing discipline consequences will be issued.
Student Drop-Off and Pickup
Parking Privilege and Responsibilities
The privilege of parking on campus is given to seniors first and then if room is available, the privilege is extended to juniors. A fee of $10.00 per year is charged for vehicle registration. MHS assumes no responsibility for damage to a vehicle while it is parked on campus or for thefts that occur while vehicle is parked on school grounds. Drivers park at their own risk, park in appropriate areas, take care to properly lock their vehicle, and are careful to leave valuables at home. Items that must be left in the vehicle should be properly stored. Possession of a parking sticker indicates that student has permission to drive to school. The sticker does not guarantee a parking spot. Students may not sit in parked vehicles or return to vehicles during the school day, except when they have permission to leave campus.
General Regulations:
- Eligible students who have provided a) proof of vehicle registration; b) proof of insurance; c) proof of grade classification; and, d) clearance slip (from school’s accountant); may purchase a parking sticker for the current school year. Dates, times, and location for sticker purchase will be announced.
- Sticker must be securely attached on lower, front windshield, passenger side of the appropriately registered vehicle. The parking sticker is not transferable. If a student sells the vehicle or has the windshield replaced, he/she must return the old sticker to receive a free replacement sticker. If a car is sold and the sticker is not available for return, an act of sale will be required. Stickers are not transferable.
- A student’s driving privilege may be suspended:
- if student’s vehicle is used for the purpose of skipping or leaving the campus without permission;
- for continued excessive tardiness;
- 3 or more tickets that remain unpaid for more than six weeks;
- reckless operation of vehicle in parking lot;
- parking in teacher only areas or in restricted areas
- Student will be fined for infractions as listed below:
- unregistered vehicle parked on campus;
- parking in non-designated areas which include faculty parking spots (designated by blue bumpers);
- no parking decal visible (in wrong location or not properly secured);
- decal on vehicle that has not been registered; e. parking in handicapped areas, on sidewalks, on Skipper Drive, or any other no parking zone; f. reckless driving; failure to follow posted directional arrows and signs
- Drivers who are picking up or dropping off students should enter the parking lot from Skipper Drive entrance, stop at the gym area only, and exit through appropriately labeled exit.
- Students are not allowed to park on islands at the ends of each parking row or other areas not specifically designated for parking. Drivers should not block entrances or exits.
Failure to Comply with Parking Regulations
Parking offenses result in driver being ticketed and fined $10.00. Fines should be paid in a timely manner. Habitual violators may lose driving privileges and/or may be issued school discipline consequences. Students parking on campus without registering their vehicle will be issued school discipline.
School Bus Regulations
Students attending field trips, athletic events, and other school-related events are required to ride the school sponsored bus. An estimated time of return will be indicated on the permission slips. Parents must provide transportation to their own homes when buses return. No adult supervision will be provided beyond 15 minutes after the bus returns. Students must be picked up or drive home in their own vehicles prior to adult supervision ending.
Students traveling to school sponsored events are required to observe all rules governing punctuality, conduct, and dress code as identified in St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline and Student Records and MHS Student Parent Handbook. Students are required to return on the same bus and are not allowed to leave the event in cars. Parents who wish to pick up their student must personally contact the sponsor of the activity. If parent pick up is allowed by the coach or sponsor the school reserves the right to have these requests in writing at the beginning of the group’s season or by the beginning of the week in which the event is being held.
St. Tammany Parish School Board provides bus transportation for students to and from the home and the school. A pupil may be excluded 10 from the bus for disciplinary reasons. Parents will be required to provide transportation during the time in which the child is excluded. Rules and regulations pertaining to bus conduct are distributed to students by bus drivers at beginning of the school year. It is the responsibility of the student to become acquainted with rules and regulations governing behavior on buses and at events scheduled on other campuses or at locations other than the school. These rules and regulations include use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs and weapons, disrespect for authority figures, and fighting.
When field trips are scheduled to enhance the classroom work, students will be notified in advance of the date and time of the event; the return time of the bus; the cost of the event; and the need to contact the student’s teachers to learn of work that will be missed. The student will be excused from class, but will be required to complete all assignments, tests, and projects that are done during his or her absence. If buses are scheduled to return after the regular ending of the school day, adult supervision will not be provided beyond 15 minutes of the return to the school building. Parents must provide transportation for the student once buses have returned. Students are required to obey all St. Tammany Parish School Board and Mandeville High School rules and regulations regarding dress code; appropriate conduct; use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, weapons; fighting and other forms of misconduct. Refer to the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for more specific information.
Emergency Drills
Emergency drills such as evacuation, shelter in place, and lockdown are conducted at regular intervals and are an important precaution. It is essential that when the first signal is given everyone obeys orders promptly. The instructions of the faculty and staff must be followed to ensure student safety. Exit maps are posted in each classroom. Directions for the various drills are also posted in the classrooms.
Lost and Found
Students are cautioned not to bring large amounts of money or expensive items to school. Students should avoid leaving book bags and other personal possessions unattended. The student, not the school, is responsible for his or her personal property. Students who find lost articles are asked to take these items to Student Services where these can be claimed by the owner.
Accidents and Sickness
MHS does not have a full time nurse on duty. Students who feel ill should have the teacher contact Student Services. The secretary will contact the parents. If no one answers, the secretary will call the number that has been listed on the child’s emergency card. In the event of a serious illness or accident, if MHS cannot reach the parent, the administration will call an ambulance to transport the child to the hospital. The cost of the hospital and ambulance will be the responsibility of the parents.
Lunch Program
The school cafeteria is maintained as a vital part of the health program of the school. To encourage good nutrition, a well-balanced lunch is offered at a reasonable price. The lunchroom management and your fellow students will appreciate your consideration in depositing all lunch litter in a trash can and leaving the table and floor around your place in a clean condition for others. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action by the administration.
Students may purchase breakfast for $0.75 and lunch for $1.55 per day. Eligible students may apply for free or reduced price meals. Reduced prices are $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch. Parents/guardians are encouraged to apply online at https://cafefr.stpsb.org/. Application forms may also be picked up in Student Services.
The cafeteria offers three selections: a) Express line – brown bag items (sandwiches/pizza/salad), fruit, juice; b) Cold lunch line - sandwich, French fries, fruit, milk; and c) Hot lunch - hot meal, vegetable, bread, fruit or cookie, milk.
Students will scan their school ID to purchase lunch. Money may be added to each student’s account by using MyPaymentsPlus - http://www.stpsb.org/OnLineFees/indexonlinefees.htm - or by bringing cash or check to the cafeteria manager. If students do not want to add money to their account they must bring exact change. Students not having exact change will be asked to move to the end of the lunch line. When using MyPaymentsPlus there are 2 categories. The Meal Account only allows for purchase of 1 breakfast and lunch per day. The General Account allows for extra meals and extra individual items.
Students may be allowed to charge two lunch meals, but cannot continue to charge. If students have charged two meals and have a negative balance they will be allowed to have a milk and the food on the service bar (typically bread and fruit/vergetable). They will not be allowed to have the main dish. MyPaymentsPlus has an electronic notification feature for low balances. Parents should use this feature to ensure that students always have money on their meal account.
Note: Price of breakfast/lunch is subject to change.
Students will be required to present student ID before being admitted into school dances and may not have been suspended from Mandeville High School in the 45 days prior to the date of the dance. If guests are allowed, guest forms for non-Mandeville High students may be required for dances. Guest forms are available two weeks prior to the scheduled dance and must be returned to Student Services no later than the Wednesday preceding the dance. Guests to Mandeville High dances must meet the following criteria:
- between the ages 14 and 20;
- have not been expelled from Mandeville High School or any other school;
- included appropriate information on the guest pass form;
- remain at the dance until lock-in ends.
The MHS student and the guest are required to follow all MHS rules during the dance. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for those that behave inappropriately. Dances usually are scheduled from 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. Students may arrive up to one hour after the beginning of the dance and are allowed to leave after 10:00 P.M. All dances are “lock-in” dances. Once the student or guest arrives at a dance they will not be allowed to leave until the “lock-in” is over. If a preceding athletic event goes into overtime, the dance will begin at the conclusion of the game.
All students and guests are expected to dress appropriately for school dances. The administration maintains the right to deem clothing inappropriate. Students are encouraged to ensure that their clothing is not revealing nor inappropriate
Students may not be under the influence of alcohol (or other illegal substances) or have possession of alcohol or illegal substances on their person or in their vehicle or other mode of transportation. Students drinking any form of alcohol before a school dance will be deemed “under the influence.” The administration maintains the right to use local law enforcement and breath analyzers to determine if students are under the influence. Additionally vehicles may be searched.
Note: Students guilty of alcohol offenses at dances or any other school activity will be suspended for 5 days. Additionally students will have to complete a counseling program.
Note: Inappropriate dancing will not be tolerated including front-to-back dancing. Students dancing inappropriately may be removed from the dance.
Grading Scale
The grading scale used by the entire school in all classes is the following:
100 - 90 A – 4 quality points
89 – 80 B – 3 quality points
79 – 70 C – 2 quality points
69 – 60 D – 1 quality point
59 – 0 F – 0 quality points
*The ten point grade scale goes into effective on 8/1/2024 according to ACT 428.
Student Classification
Requirements for Graduation
End-Of-Course Testing
LEAP 2025 tests are standards-based assessments that measure the knowledge and skills a student should have mastered by the end of the course. Six separate LEAP 2025 tests will be administered. Students completing the specific courses will be required to take the LEAP 2025 test for that specific subject area. Students must pass three LEAP 2025 tests to earn a standard diploma. The requirements are as follow: English I or English II, Algebra I or Geometry, and Biology or American History. The LEAP 2025 test score counts as the final exam grade in these classes.
Exam Exemptions
STPPS Exam Exemption Policy (Applies to SENIORS ONLY)
If a Senior with an “A average” in a course and 5 or fewer non-exempt absences in the course for a semester, then exempt from the semester exam.
If a Senior with a “B average” in a course and 3 or fewer non-exempt absences in the course for a semester, then exempt from the semester exam.
*Senior Semester Exam Exemptions will not apply in dual enrollment courses and online courses.*
Graduation Ceremony
Participation in the public graduation ceremony is a privilege, not a right, for the individual and his or her parents, and as such can be denied for reasonable cause. In order to participate in the public ceremony, the student must have:
- Successful completion of the course of studies required by the state for graduation;
- Successful completion of the End-of Course Tests (EOC & LEAP 2025 as described above); and
- Certification by school administrators as having followed the rules and regulations of the school to such a degree that the student has earned the privilege of being an active participant in the graduation ceremony. These rules and regulations specifically include:
- the section on suspension and expulsion as stated in the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records;
- payments made for fees owed (includes homeroom fees, lab fees, athletic fees, parking lot fines, club fees); return of over-due library materials or payment for lost library materials; return of textbooks that were issued to the student or payment for lost or damaged textbooks; and
- adherence to rules and guidelines issued by senior class sponsors related to practice and dress requirements.
Requirements will be distributed in the fall semester at Senior Parent Night. See Mrs. Dean for details.
SPECIAL NOTE: All three requirements must be met before the student is allowed the privilege of participating in the graduation ceremony.Honors, Awards, Recognition at Graduation Ceremony
Honor graduates are those students who have a cumulative GPA of 3.50 (not rounded up) for four years of high school. Honor graduates will be recognized at graduation and are distinguished by their gold honor cord.
The top ranked students are recognized individually at graduation and are presented with a plaque. Additionally students maintaining all A’s throughout their high school career will be honored at graduation. Senior Awards Night recognizes award winners, outstanding students and scholarship recipients.
The graduation committee, appointed by the principal, will select the commencement speaker and other student participants for the graduation program. Top candidates for commencement speaker will present the speech to a panel of judges. Criteria for the speaker will include: member “in good standing” in the senior class; indication of interest in giving the speech (by submitting a speech for consideration); speaking and writing ability; citizenship; character; well-rounded involvement at MHS activities; leadership; minimum 3.0 grade point average; attendance at MHS for a minimum of four semesters prior to graduation. The graduation committee will select other speaking roles for the graduation ceremony.
Class Rank
Students are ranked in class based on their number of quality points earned in grades 9 – 12 and not on GPA. Short day for seniors, for most students, will negatively affect class rank. Students have the opportunity to receive additional quality points by taking weighted honors, AP, and gifted courses in English, mathematics, science and social studies. An extra quality point will be given for an A, B, or C earned in a maximum of 16 weighted courses. Rank in class will be based on a maximum of 28 credits taken during high school although some students may earn more than 28 credits.
Counselors and Related Services
The school has four full time counselors and one full time Mental Health Provider (MHP). A student who wishes to see a counselor should pick up a signed appointment slip from his or her counselor. The student will be called out of class for this scheduled visit. Students may make appointments before or after school and at lunch. If a teacher feels a student is in a crisis, the teacher may give the student a note and a hall pass indicating the time and date the student left class. Drop-in visits to counselors are not permitted.
Counselors visit all classes in the early part of the fall semester to acquaint students with services that are provided by the counselor center. Additionally, a newsletter is periodically given to students. The newsletter contains information related to scholarships, testing, and other available services. Students should file these newsletters for future reference.
One important aspect of education is the constant evaluation of student progress and aptitude. The ACT will be administered to all juniors on March 8, 2022 (date subject to change). LEAP 2025 tests will be administered during the last few weeks of school. Students interested in taking SAT tests may contact their guidance counselor for additional information. Students are encouraged to take the ACT multiple times to secure the highest possible score. Please visit https://www.act.org/ for registration information and test dates. For the 2021 – 2022 school year the ACT will be offered at Mandeville High for the October, December, February and April test dates.
A3 Virtual Academy
Students follow different paths in their educational journeys and benefit from a variety of opportunities to attain their goals. The St. Tammany Parish Public School System Virtual Academy offers students an exciting, new approach to learning.
This program is not for students interested in a full online high school. The Virtual Academy relies on technology designed to support teaching and learning in various educational settings.
The Virtual Academy allows for anytime, anywhere access, partnered with unlimited collaboration possibilities - available at the click of a mouse.
For more information about the Virtual Academy, contact your high school guidance counselor or the Virtual Academy administrator at jennifer.alleman@stpsb.org or phone 985-898-6462.
Honor Roll
MHS shall have an Honor Roll for each semester. The Honor Roll shall be determined in the following manner:
- A minimum of 3.5 gpa is required for Honor Roll status.
- Letter grades ONLY shall be used in all subjects.
- A student who has received F or D in any subject is not eligible for Honor Roll.
- A student must be attempting 5 credits at MHS to be eligible for Honor Roll status.
Care of School Property
The walls in the buildings, the furniture in the classrooms, gymnasium, library, cafeteria, etc., in fact, the building and whatever fixtures and equipment it contains are provided at great expense by your parents, the taxpayers. Every pupil should refrain from defacing or destroying school property. In order for our school grounds to remain clean, everyone must help by placing all paper and waste in proper containers. Any student damaging any school property, intentionally or through negligence, will be liable for such damages and subject to disciplinary action.
Groups that need to hang signs in the building must hang signs only on the strips that have been provided for that purpose. Hot glue guns, staple guns, strapping tape, electrical tape, nails or tacks may not be used. Signs may not be taped on painted wall surfaces, on windows or on the murals. When taping signs to non-painted surfaces only masking tape should be used.
All textbooks at MHS are the property of the STPSB. Any loss or damage will result in a monetary fine. If a student loses a textbook, he or she will have to pay for it before another book will be issued. Writing in a textbook constitutes damage. Textbooks that have become wet for any reason will mildew and thus are a total loss. Students will be required to pay the full cost of water damaged books.
Students should see the school bookkeeper to pay for lost or damaged books. At the end of each semester, students must return the textbooks issued to him or her. Students will be placed on the “Owe List” until books are returned or until the student pays for the book.
The library is a place for students to get information for research purposes and to find materials for leisure reading. It is open before school, after school, and during lunch. All books, magazines, and reference materials may be checked out. Circulation and the card catalog are fully automated. Students may access an online full text periodical database from the library, classrooms throughout the school, and from home. The library has computers, all with access to the Internet, the card catalog, and the magazine database. Additionally, the library has a computer lab with laser printers, a scanner, and other resources available for student and full classroom usage.
Note: Students and parents must sign the Technology Use Agreement prior to having access to the Internet. The student’s ID card will be stamped to indicate the student has parent’s permission to use the Internet.
Student Organizations
Since the classroom work deals primarily with the mental or intellectual values associated with various subjects, the establishment of clubs has evolved to give students the opportunity to work with a group of like-minded young people in areas of interest outside the classroom.
The purpose of clubs and organized efforts in our school are to:
- increase fellowship among groups of students with similar interest;
- broaden the interests of students in different endeavors;
- motivate and enrich classroom work;
- develop worthy social ideals, attitudes and habits;
- develop leadership qualities;
- work together towards a common goal.
Students seeking office or leadership positions must meet the following criteria:
- meet all eligibility requirements as stipulated in the group's constitution or charter;
- have "in good standing status;" See Regulations Concerning Clubs and Organizations section of this handbook.
- Have clearance slip from school's accountant indicating that all fees and fines have been paid
Regulations Concerning Clubs and Organizations
All elected offices are divided into major and minor offices. To hold an elected office, a student must: 1) have maintained, and continue to maintain during term of office, a minimum 1.5 overall academic average (exception - Honor Society groups whose national charter stipulates a higher grade point average); 2) have maintained “in good standing status” during current school year. “In good standing” means, during current school year, student a) has not been recommended for expulsion; b) has not been disciplined (suspension, in school suspension, or Saturday Support) for the following offenses: leaving class or location without permission, skipping school, cutting class, disrespect to faculty or staff; theft; possession/use of alcoholic beverages; fighting (this list is not necessarily exhaustive). Officers are subject to removal from office for failure to maintain “in good standing” status. A student may hold one major office and one minor office or two minor offices. Listed below are the elected offices and their classification:
All Presidents - major
All Junior and Senior offices-major
Underclass Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary minor
All Presidents - major
All Vice-Presidents -minor
All Secretaries - minor
All Treasurers - minor
Editor in chief - major
Assistant Editor- minor
Editor - major
Assistant editor - minor
Varsity sports - minor
Show choir - major
Student Council will rule on all additions or changes in these regulations as the need arises.
Clubs and Organizations
Mandeville High School has many clubs and organizations that are either extra-curricular or co-curricular. Listed below are the organizations that have specific membership requirements. Times and 13 locations for each meeting will be announced. Sponsors for each activity will communicate to the students the times, dates, and location for after-school meetings, rehearsals, and performances. Adult supervision will not be provided beyond 15 minutes of the stated ending time for practices, meetings, and the like. Parents must provide transportation of their student to the practice, performance or meeting. The clubs listed here have specific membership requirements.
The Skipper Band is an extra-curricular activity of the Instrumental Music Department. The Band is composed of students who have a desire to further their musical abilities and enhance school spirit. The Band performs for various activities such as football games, concerts, parades, and community activities. See Mr. DiBenedetto, the band director, for details.
Band Auxiliary Units
The Spinnaker Dance team and the Color Guard/Winter Guard perform during football half-time shows, march in parades, and participates in competitive events.
In order to try-out, members must have a minimum 1.5 average for the present school year and a clean discipline report. In addition, members must maintain a minimum 1.5 average and not fail any subject even if the 1.5 average is maintained. Leadership structure and selection procedure will be determined by sponsors and administration and communicated to students prior to tryouts. Each summer the members attend a workshop camp where a week is spent learning new skills and meeting with other auxiliary groups from other high schools.
See sponsors Mrs. Munster or Mrs. Hymel (Spinnakers) or Mr. DiBenedetto (color guard) for more information.
The MHS Cheerleaders maintain a unique position of responsibility because they represent the entire MHS student body. To try out, a student must have a cumulative minimum grade point average of 1.5, and maintain a clean discipline record. Try out procedure will be determined each year by sponsors and administration and communicated to students prior to try-outs. See sponsors Mrs. Reid or Mrs. Butler for more information.
Mu Alpha Theta
MU ALPHA THETA is a Mathematics Honor Society. Membership is open to all students who have completed four semesters of college prep mathematics with an overall B average. Members participate in statewide mathematics competition, promote enjoyment of math, and tutor in math. To maintain membership, each student must continue to schedule higher level math courses, maintain a minimum B average in these courses, and participate in club activities. See Ms. Boudreaux for details.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is an honorary organization which endeavors to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote worthy leadership and encourage the development of character. Membership is limited to juniors and seniors who maintain a 3.5 unweighted grade point average and exemplify superior leadership, scholarship, and service. Membership is determined by the faculty and is the highest honor that the faculty can confer on a student of Mandeville High School. Tenth and eleventh graders who are interested in membership may apply at the beginning of the second semester of each school year. Service hours are required for membership. See Mrs. Chausse for details.
Skipper's Log Staff
THE SKIPPER’S LOG staff is responsible for publishing the school’s yearbook. All students involved are introduced to the basics of yearbook production. The requirement for membership involves an interview process with the yearbook advisor. Freshmen associates attend regular meetings when needed. However, only sophomore, junior, and senior members are allowed to take the yearbook publications class. Publications class is required for the Communications Academy. See TBA for details.
Student Government
Students may participate in either class government as Senators, or in school government as Representatives. Each homeroom will elect two senators in the fall. Senators serve on standing committees, plan and conduct class events, and provide communication between homeroom and the class Senate. Class officers are elected in the spring. For information, see your homeroom teacher.
Each homeroom will also elect one representative to Student Council. Each representative must serve on one standing committee and may volunteer to serve on various special committees. Representatives plan and conduct activities sponsored by the Student Council and provide communication between the homeroom and the Student Council. Students who are not elected to the Student Council, but who would like to become more involved in school activities, may serve as nonvoting members of committees. These students are called “interested students”. They do not attend monthly meetings, but they are allowed to help with committee work.
Student Council representatives and Class Senators are required to present a report in homeroom each month detailing the events of their respective groups. Individuals may not serve as both representative and senator. See Mr. Esker for more details about Student Council. Class sponsors are listed at the end of this publication.
Vocal Music
The Vocal Music Department offers all students an opportunity to develop their singing ability. Emphasis is placed on singing and listening to choral literature of past and present that contributes to our heritage. Students participate in the Christmas and spring concerts, Solo and Ensemble, District Honor Choir, All State Choir, SLU Choral Day, and District and State choral competitions. Students may elect to take vocal music every day for full, academic credit. The course deals mainly in singing, but also offers a variety of musical activities such as learning to read musical notation, listening to choral literature, eartraining, part-singing, and harmony. Extra-curricular vocal activities which include Show Choir and “Encore” feature individual and group lessons for students with marked talent and ability, as well as interest. This choral group is limited in number.
Open Membership Clubs and Activities
The following clubs have open membership. Any interested person may join these groups. Times and locations for each meeting will be announced. For specific information concerning each group, see the sponsor of that group. Best Buddies, see Mrs. Ogle. Big Brother/Big Sister, promotes school spirit and works to ease the transition to high school for freshman students. See Mrs. Simon. Drama Club, promotes an interest in acting. See Mrs. Firmin for details. Economics Club, see Mrs. St. Paul. Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Life on Purpose, & Next Generation, dedicated to helping students reach their potential physically, mentally, and spiritually; See Coach T. Bergeron or Mrs. Hawkins. Fashion Club, see Mrs. Koeppen. French Club, see Mr. Tassin. Gamers Club, see Mr. Foret. Green Club, promotes environmental awareness and stewardship in students and community. See Mrs. Tveit. Historical Film Society, see Mr. Gold. Invisible Children, see Mrs. Graham. Key Club, see 14 Mrs. Sidlovsky or Mrs. Keyes. Library/Reading Club, dedicated to students that love to read. See Mrs. Netterville for details. Medical Scrub Club, see Mrs. Chapotel. Peer Tutoring Club, see Mrs. Bache. Political Thinkers, see Mrs. Sidlovsky. Robotics Club, see Mrs. Duhe’. Spirit Club, promotes school spirit and school pride. See Mrs. Reid. Writing Club, Mrs. Netterville. Youth & Government, students participate in parliamentary procedure style debate through the Model United Nations and Youth Legislature programs. Students have an opportunity to attend two conferences at the state capital.
Interscholastic Athletics
Mandeville High is a member in good standing of the Louisiana High School Athletic Association (LHSAA), which is affiliated with the National Federation of High Schools. The following sports are offered at MHS.
Boys: Cross Country, Football, Swimming, Basketball, Soccer, Wrestling, Power Lifting, Baseball, Golf, Tennis, and Track;
Girls: Cross Country, Swimming, Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Power Lifting, Golf, Tennis, Track, and Softball.
Students who wish to participate in athletics should contact the head coach of the sport or the Athletic Director. Also, each student must have parental permission and approval from a physician. Medical examinations are required. The proper forms may be obtained from any head coach or the Athletic Director.
The following rules are of interest to all students who plan to participate in the Mandeville High School Athletic Program:
- Any student who has reached the age of 19 before September 1 may not participate in athletics.
- School must have on file a copy of the athlete’s birth certificate.
- No one may take part in any contest after the end of his or her 8th consecutive semester in high school, beginning with the ninth grade.
- A student must pass six subjects and have a minimum 1.5 grade point average at the end of the first semester. At the end of the year, the athlete must pass 6 units and have a minimum 1.5 grade point average.
- Seniors taking less than 7 classes must pass all of their 1st semester classes to be eligible for 2nd semester.
- Amateur and Transfer Rule - please contact a coach.
Philosophy of MHS Homecoming
Philosophy of MHS Homecoming
- Homecoming at MHS is an annual celebration of the students for their activities and accomplishments.
- It is also to welcome and honor persons associated with the school (faculty, parents, and community members).
- Homecoming is to honor the alumni of MHS. We invite and welcome alumni to see our school.
Homecoming Court Eligibility Requirements
- Minimum 1.5 grade point average overall and for the previous year.
- Nominees and, once chosen, court members must have “in good standing status” for current school year without any suspensions or expulsions and the previous year with no out-of-school suspensions or expulsions.
- Provide clearance slip from school’s bookkeeper to show all fees and fines have been paid.
Procedure for Nomination
- All female students may submit their name to be considered for the homecoming court.
- Nominees must submit an application form showing activities that she participated in for her years of attendance at Mandeville High School. Sophomore nominees are required to have participated in at least two on-campus activities prior to the beginning of sophomore year and attended Mandeville High School for their entire freshman year. Junior nominees are required to have participated in at least four on-campus activities prior to the beginning of junior year and have attended Mandeville High School for their entire sophomore year. Senior nominees are required to have participated in at least six on-campus activities prior to the beginning of senior year and have attended Mandeville High School for their entire junior year.
- The top four receiving the highest number of votes in the senior class will become nominees for Queen. The entire school will vote on the nominees for Queen. The senior nominee receiving the most number of votes will be named Queen. The remaining three will be named Senior Maids. At the Pep Rally and game, the four nominees will be introduced as Senior Maids. The Queen will be named during half time of the Homecoming football game.
- The court will consist of two maids each for grades 9, 10, & 11 and four maids for grade 12.
Constitution of the Mandeville High Student Council
SECTION I. The name of this organization shall be The Mandeville High Student Council.
SECTION II. The principle purpose of this council shall be:
a. To unify all student organizations under one general supervision.
b. To foster sentiments of law and order.
c. To aid in the internal administration of the school.
d. To promote discussion and understanding of mutual problems among students.
e. To promote better relationships and understanding between students and the administration.
f. To promote the general activities of the school.
g. To develop in the student a growing appreciation of membership in a democracy by providing the educative responsibilities and privileges of participating in such a democracy in the school.
Section I. The officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and two (2) members-at-large, and when designated, state or regional officers; these officers shall compose the Executive Committee.
Section II. Any member of the Student Body, upon approval of the Parliamentarian, may attend the meetings and present whatever problems or suggestions he or she may have for the improvement of the school. The faculty may attend upon invitation of the President.
Section I. The officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Parliamentarian, and when designated, state or regional officers; these officers shall compose the Executive Committee.
Section II. Duties of the President shall be:
a. To preside at all meetings of the Council.
b. To call extra meetings if necessary.
c. To vote only in case of a tie or recall, except his or her own recall.
d. To appoint all necessary committees.
e. To be an unofficial member of all committees.
f. To represent the Student Council at all general meetings and functions.
g. To attend all Executive Board meetings.
SECTION III. The duties of the Vice-President shall be:
a. To take over the duties of the President if he or she is unable to function.
b. To supervise all committee work if needed.
c. To serve as Activities Coordinator.
d. To train Council members in group dynamics and problem solving.
e. To attend all Executive Board meetings.
SECTION IV - The duties of the Secretary shall be
a. To record the minutes of all meetings and to carry out the correspondence of the Council.
b. To publish notice of all meetings on the bulletin board two days prior to the meetings.
c. To maintain attractive, informative bulletin boards in the Commons.
d. To maintain records of all Council activity during the year.
e. To chair publicity or public relations committee.
f. To attend all Executive Board meetings.
SECTION V. The duties of the Treasurer shall be:
a. To manage all money of the Council, to count all collected funds, to make timely deposits, and to keep accurate record of all financial transactions.
b. To provide an accurate financial report at all Council meetings.
c. To provide a projected budget in the fall and end of the year summary.
d. To attend all Executive Board meetings.
SECTION VI. The duties of the Parliamentarian shall be:
a. To maintain order at all Council meetings.
b. To call roll and to keep attendance records.
c. To be responsible for the Student Council elections, including class and Homecoming elections. Parliamentarian may be asked to assist with ninth grade elections.
d. To train all Council members in parliamentary procedure.
e. To attend all Executive Board meetings.
SECTION VII. The duties of the Members-at-Large shall be:
a. To support all Student Council officers in the fulfillment of their duties and activities
b. To perform additional duties and activities as assigned by the sponsor(s)
c. To attend all Executive Board meetings
SECTION VIII. Other duties may be delegated in the Bylaws or by the Council.
SECTION IX. All officers shall serve for one year. They shall be elected by the student body. They shall take office at the annual Induction ceremony.
SECTION I. The candidate must have a 1.5 average for the preceding semester. This average must be a 1.5, not rounded.
SECTION II. The student must present a clearance slip from the school’s accountant indicating all fees and fines have been cleared.
SECTION III. The student may not concurrently serve as a representative and a senator.
All candidates for office must have a 1.5 gpa not rounded up (if elected the 1.5 gpa must be maintained), must have “in good standing” status, and must present a clearance slip from the school’s accountant indicating all fees and fines have been cleared.
SECTION I. The President must be a junior or Senior during his or her term of office. He or she must have attended Mandeville High School for at least 2 semesters prior to election. He or she must have been a Mandeville High Student Council member and state his or her reasons for candidacy. He or she may not be a President of another extracurricular organization during his/her term of office.
SECTION II. The Vice-President must be a junior or a senior during his or her term of office. He/she must have been a Mandeville High School Council member. He or She must have attended Mandeville High School for at least two semesters prior to election
SECTION III. The Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian must be a sophomore, Junior, or Senior during his or her time in office. He or she must have attended Mandeville High School for at least one semester prior to the election.
SECTION IV. Student Council officers may hold only one major office. Students that participate in extracurricular activities that require daily after school practice are not eligible to run for Student Council office. They may participate in Student Council, but may not hold a major office.
SECTION V. When and if Mandeville High School Student Council wins a state or regional office, student representative to that office is appointed by the advisor. Duties for that office are designated by state and/or regional constitution.
SECTION I. Regular meetings will be held every month. A quorum will be two thirds of the membership and the President and the Vice President.
SECTION I. To recommend the appointment of all necessary committees.
SECTION II. To investigate and report on matters referred to it by the faculty or administrative officers of the school.
SECTION III. Powers of the Council are delegated to it by the Principal, who therefore, has the power to veto any measure which the Council passes. The Student Council reserves the right to appeal.
SECTION IV. The Student Council reserves the right to take a stand on all issues directly involving the student body of Mandeville High School.
SECTION I. The all-school election of the officers of the Student Council shall be held in conjunction with Student Council Week, by a simple majority vote. Only one week of campaigning will be allowed before the elections. The ninth through eleventh grades will be allowed to vote. There shall be a campaign spending limit for all student council and class office candidates. The limit shall be 100 dollars. All candidates shall disclose their spending after election day and shall be disqualified should they falsify their records or exceed the limit. The next runner up candidate shall assume the vacated office if a winning candidate is disqualified.
SECTION II. In case of a need for a run-off in the Presidential election, this will be held on the second day of voting.
SECTION III. The election of the homeroom representatives will be held at a homeroom meeting by a general election in the fall.
SECTION IV. The Student Council reserves the right to change the above election dates due to extenuating circumstances.
SECTION V. All vacancies that occur in the Council membership shall be filled in the next homeroom meeting. All vacancies that occur in the offices shall be filled within four weeks by a special election if the vacancy occurs before November 1. If the vacancy occurs after November 1, it will be filled by an appointment by the executive committee. In the case of a presidential vacancy, the current Vice President will fill the office. The vacancy in the Vice President position will then be filled by the process described above.
SECTION VI. All action of recall will be done by the Executive Council with approval from the principal or his designee.
SECTION VII. ALL students running for office must sign up during specified time period. A list of eligible candidates will be posted.
SECTION VIII. Officers are subject to removal from office for failure to maintain “in good standing status”. The principal reserves the right to make decisions concerning “in good standing status”.
SECTION I. Amendments to this constitution must be passed by two-thirds of the Council members present, provided it is submitted in writing at a previous meeting of the Council and published two weeks before voting by the students.
I. The PTSA President shall be an honorary member of the Council.
II. Any council member who misses three meetings without excuses accepted by the President shall be recalled by the President.
III. The Council shall follow the rules found in Robert’s Rule of Order. 16
IV. All funds collected by any members of the Council must be deposited immediately in School’s account. Any person who accepts responsibility for funds but does not deposit these funds shall be held personally responsible and must replace funds if these are lost or stolen.
V. If a school club or organization is on an excused school function, the representatives will have the right of absentee voting a week prior to the voting date. Each individual student is responsible for obtaining a ballot from the Student Council advisor.
Student Council Officers 2022-2023
Sponsors: Mr. Esker, Mrs. Sidlovsky and Mrs. Simon
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Braewyn Arceneaux & Lily Voekel
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna Trainor
Secretary . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ella Wainwright
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Krista Miller
Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woody Brown
Member-at-large . . . . . . . . . . . . . Madeleine Poirier & Carolina Toro
Senior Class Officers 2022-2023
Sponsors: Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Simon & Mr. Esker
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hayes Strawitz
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molly Schulz
Secretary . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ella Wainwright
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sophie Gros
Junior Class Officers 2023-2023 Sponsor: Mrs. McCorkle
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauren O’Callaghan
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emery Cordell
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reese Johnson
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooke Hogan
Sophomore Class Officers 2022-2023
Sponsor: Mrs. Alexander
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salma Shahid
Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mallory Whittington
Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rylee Cote
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donovan Esker
Freshman Class Sponsor: Mrs. Windom
The STPSB adheres to the equal opportunity provisions of federal and civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status or disability.