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ACT Information



Testing Strategies:

ACT Strategies:                                                      Copyright 2018, 2023, Laura L. Link, MHS ACT Prep Teacher


English- 75 questions. 45 minutes: 9 minutes per passage

Don’t read the directions.  Do the passages in order, as they are all on the same reading level.

Step 1: Read the entire sentence.

Step 2. For items with no questions attached, notice exactly how the answer options are the same and how they are different. How the answer options are different tells you what skill is being tested. Determine what skills are being tested. Ex: all the words are the same, but the punctuation is different. Perhaps the skills being tested are commas vs. dashes as well as plural v. plural possessive.

Step 3. Because multiple skills are tested, deal with one skill at a time, and eliminate all options with a wrong element.

Step 4. Choose your answer.

Step 5. Plug in your answer to the entire sentence.


Wordiness- start by plugging in shortest answer

Word questions- look for the job the answer must do

Click here for additional information: ACT INFO Packet REAL11_121.pdf




  1. Are there any openings in any of the ACT prep classes at MHS? Check with the grade level guidance counselor. There are openings second semester (it is a semester course), but it would have to fit the student’s schedule as well. Sophomores can take it if they already completed geometry.
  2. When can we sign up for the BOOT CAMP? It will be on a Saturday in February. We don’t have the information sorted yet, but I will post it on the Mandeville parents facebook page and on our website when we do.
  3. Where can we get practice tests? There is one online practice test at Go to tests and prep, then scroll down to the bottom and you will find free practices tests. Take each one timed and you will get a pretty accurate idea of their baseline without paying for a real test. You can also buy The Official ACT prep Guide by Wylie. It has 6 practice tests with answer explanations.
  4. Do you have any other suggestions for preparing for the test and improving test results? Read, read, read. Read current events with your children and have a discussion at the dinner table about them. Look up any unknown vocabulary word.  Use flashcards or blooket or quizlet to review grammar rules and math formulae (especially geometry).


For additional information, please email